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A Multidisciplinary Bibliography
Social Sciences
Politics: Visions and Struggles
The Juggler (Conflagration) by Karin Turner The most general statement of our politics at the present time would be that we are actively committed to struggling against racial, sexual, heterosexual, and class oppression and see as our particular task the development of integrated analysis and practice based upon the fact that the major systems of oppression are interlocking. The synthesis of these oppressions creates the conditions of our lives. As black women we see black feminism as the logical political movement to combat the manifold and simultaneous oppressions that all women of color face.
The Combahee River Collective

A Woman cannot have any political, economic or social rights in a capitalist society where she suffers from class oppression and discrimination because of sex and race.
Frances M. Beale

Adu-Poku, Samuel. "Envisioning (Black) Male Feminism: A Cross-Cultural Perspective." In Feminism and Masculiniites, ed. Peter F. Murphy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

"African American Women in Defense of Ourselves." New York Times, 17 November 1991, 53. Reprinted in The Black Feminist Reader, eds. Joy James and Tracey Denean Sharpley-Whiting (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2000).

Alexander, Jacqui. "Remembering This Bridge, Remembering Ourselves: Yearning Memory, and Desire." In This Bridge We Call Home: Radical Visions for Transformation, eds. Gloria E. Anzaldua and Analouise Keating. New York: Routledge, 2002.

Alexander-Floyd, Nikol G. Gender, Race, and Nationalism in Contemporary Black Politics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

          . "'We Shall Have Our Manhood': Black Macho, Black Nationalism and the Million Man March." Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism. 3, no. 2 (2003): 171-203.

Alexander-Floyd, Nikol G., and Evelyn M. Simien " Revisitng 'What's in a Name?' Exploring the Contours of Africana Womanist Thought." Frontiers: A Journal of Women's studies 27, no. 1 (January 2006): 67-90.

Athey, Stephanie. "Reproductive Health, Race and Technology: Political Fictions and Black Feminist Critiques 1970s-1990s." Sage Race Relations Abstracts 22, no. 1 ( February 1997): 3-27.

Austin, Alegernon. "Theorizing Difference Within Black Feminist Thought: the Dilemma of Sexism in Black Communitites." Race, Gender & Class: An Interdisciplianry and Multicultural Journal 6, no. 3 (1000): 52-66.

Baker-Fletcher, Karen. "Womanism, Afro-Centrism, and the Reconstruction of Black Womanhood." In Perspectives on Womanist Theology, ed. Jacquelyn Grant. Atlanta: ITC Press, 1995.

Bates, Karen Ransby. "NOW, Paula Jones and Miss Anne." Los Angeles Times. 27 April 1998, sec. B, p. 1, home edition.

Baxandall, Rosalyn. "Re-Visioning the Women's Liberation Movement's Narrative: Early Second Wave African American Feminists." Feminist Studies 27, no. 1 (Spring 2001): 225-245.

Beale, Frances M. "Double Jeopardy: To Be Female and Black." In Words of Fire: An Anthology of Black Feminist Thought, ed. Beverly Guy-Sheftall. New York: New Press, 1995. Originally published in The Black Woman, ed. Toni Cade, (New York: Signet, 1970).

          . "Slave of a Slave No More: Black Women in Struggle." The Black Scholar 12, no. 6 (November-December 1981): 16-24. Originally published in The Black Scholar 6, no. 6 (March 1975).

Bliss, James. "Black Feminism Out of Place." Signs: Jounral of Women in Culture & Society 41, no. 4 (Summer 2016): 727-749.

Boyd, Melba Joyce. "Collard Greens, Clarence Thomas, and the High-Tech Rape of Anita Hill." In Court of Appeal: The Black Community Speaks out on the Racial Politics of Clarence Thomas vs. Anita Hill, eds., Robert Chrisman and Robert L. Allen. New York: Ballantine Books, 1992.

Bray, Rosemary L. "Taking Sides Against Ourselves." In Court of Appeal: The Black Community Speaks out on the Racial Politics of Clarence Thomas vs. Anita Hill, eds., Robert Chrisman and Robert L. Allen. New York: Ballantine Books, 1992.

Breines, Winifred. "Sixties Stories' Silences: White Feminism, Black Feminism, Black Power." NWSA Journal 8, no. 3 (Fall 1996): 101-122.

          . "Struggling to Connect: White and Black Feminsm in the Movement Years." Contexts 6, no. 1 (2007): 19-25. Reprinted in Contexts 6, no. 1 (Winter 2007): 18-24.

Brewer, Rose M. "Black Radical Theory and Practice: Gender, Race and Class." Socialism and Democracy 17, no. 1 (Winter-Spring 2003): 109-122.

          . "Theorizing Race, Class and Gender: The New Scholarship of Black Feminist Intellectuals and Black Women's Labor." In Theorizing Black Feminisms: The Visionary Pragmatism of Black Women, eds. Stanlie M. James and Abena P.A. Busia. New York: Routledge, 1993. Reprinted in Materialist Feminism: A Reader in Class, Difference, and Women's Lives, eds Rosemary Hennessy and Chrys Ingraham (New York: Routledge, 1997).

Brody, Jenifer DeVere. "Effaced into Flesh: Black Women's Subjectivity." Genders 24 (1996): 184-205.

Brown, Damita. "History is a Hungry Traveler: Radical Black Feminism and the Subjects of Liberation." Ph.D. diss., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2000.

"Brown, Elsa Barkley. "'What Happened Here?': The Politics of Difference in Women's History and Feminist Politics. "Feminist Studies 18 (Summer 1992): 295-312. Reprinted in The Second Wave: A Reader in Feminist Theory, ed. Linda Nicholson. (New York: Routledge, 1997).

Burack, Cynthia. Healing Identities: Black Feminist Thought and the Politics of Groups. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2004.

Burnham, Linda. "Has Poverty Been Feminized in Black America?" The Black Scholar 16 (March-April 1985): 14-24.

          . "Race and Gender: The Limits of Analogy." In Challenging Racism and Sexism: Alternatives to Genetic Explanations, eds. Ethel Tobach, and Betty Rosoff. New York: The Feminist Press, 1994.

Burrow, Rufus Jr. "Some African American Males' Perspectives on the Black Woman." In Black Men on Race, Gender, and Sexuality: A Critical Reader, ed. Devon W. Carbado. New York: New York University Press, 1999.

Bush, Roderick. "Black Feminism Intersectionality, and the Critique of Masculinist Models of Liberation." In The End of White World Supremacy: Black Internationalism and the Problem of the Color Line. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2009.

Butler, Johnella. "Difficult Dialogues." Women's Review of Books February 1989.

Carroll, Tamar. "Unlikely Allies: Forging a Multiracial, Class-Based Women's Movement in 1970s Brooklyn." In Feminist Coalitions: Historical Perspectives on Second-Wave Feminism in the United States, ed. Stephanie Gilmore. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2008.

Carruthers, Charlene A. Unapolegetic: A Black, Queer, Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2018.

Chambers, Veronica. "Betrayal Feminism." In Listen Up: Voices From the Next Generation, ed. Barbara Findlen. Seattle: Seal Press, 1995.

          . "Remembering the Future: Discrimination Among Feminists." Ms. Magazine 8, no, 2 (September-October 1997): 91+.

Chang, Robert s. and Adrienne D. Davis. "The Adventure(s) of Blackness in Western Culture: An Epistolary Exchange on Old and New Identity Wars." U.C. Davis Law Review 39 (2005-2006): 1189-1210.

Chapman, Katherine Davis. "Some Girls that I Know." In The Collected Works of Katherine Davis Chapman, ed Claudia Tate. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Chisolm, Shirley. "Facing the Abortion Question." In Words of Fire: An Anthology of African-American Feminist Thought, ed. Beverly Guy-Sheftall. New York: New Press, 1995. Originally published in Shirley Chisolm, Unbought and Unbossed (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970).

          . "Racism and Anti-Feminism." Black Scholar 1 (January/February 1970): 17-21.

          . "Sexism and Racism: One Battle to Fight." Personnel and Guidance Journal 51 (1972): 123-126.

          . "Women Must Rebel." In Voices of the New Feminism, ed. Mary Lou Thompson. Boston: Beacon Press, 1970.

Christian, Barbara. "Camouflaging Race and Gender." Representations 55 (Summer 1996): 120-128.

Cleage, Pearl. "What Can I Say." In Words of Fire: An Anthology of African-American Feminist Thought, ed. Beverly Guy-Sheftall. New York: New Press, 1995. Originally published in the Atlanta Tribune (June 1994).

Cleaver, Kathleen Neal. "Racism, Civil Rights, and feminism." In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed Adrie Katherine Wing. New York: New York University Press, 1997.

Cole, Johnetta B. Conversations: Straight Talk With America's Sister President. New York: Doubleday, 1993.

Cole Johnnetta Betsch and Beverly Guy-Sheftall. "Collisions: Black Liberation Versus Women's Liberation." In Gender Talk: The Struggle for Women's Equality in African American Communities. New York: One World Ballantine Books, 2003.

Collins, Lisa. "Black Feminists and the Equal Rights Amendment." Sepia 28 (October 1979): 18-24.

Collins, Patricia Hill. From Black Power to Hip Hop: Racism, Nationalism, and Feminism. Philadelphia: Temple Uniersity Press, 2006.

          . "Gender Black Feminism, and Black Political Economy." In The Study of African American Problems: W.E.B. Du Bois's Agenda, The and Now, eds. Elijah Anderson and Tukufu Zuberi. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2000.

          . On Intellectual Activism. Philadelphis, PA: Temple University Press, 2013.

          . "Who's Going On?: Black Feminist Thought and the Politics of Postmodernism." In Working the Ruins: Feminist Poststructural Theory and Methods in Education, eds. Elizabeth A. St. Pierre and Wanda S. Pillow. New York Routledge, 2000.

Combahee River Collective. The Combahee River Collective Statement: Black Feminist Organizing in the 1970s and 1980s. Lanham, New York: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1986.

          . "A Black Feminist Statement." In This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color, eds. Cherrie Moraga and Gloria Anzaldua. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981. Originally published in Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism, ed. Zillah Eisenstein (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1978). Reprinted in Words of Fire: An Anthology of African-American Feminist Thought, ed. Beverly Guy-Sheftall (New York: New Press, 1995). Reprinted in Modern American Women: A Documentary History, ed. Susan Ware (New York: McGraw Hill, 1997). Reprinted in The Black Feminist Reader, eds. Joy James and Tracey Denean Sharpley-Whiting (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2000). Reprinted in The Second Wave: A Reader in Feminist Theory, ed. Linda Nicholson. (New York: Routledge, 1997).

          . "Six Black Women - Why Did They Die?." Aegis Magazine on Ending Violence Against Women (May-June 1979): 29-31. Reprinted in Radical America 13, no. 6 (1979): 40-49.

Cooper, Anna Julia. "Our Raison d'Etre." In The Voice of Anna Julia Cooper: Including A Voice From the South and Other Important Essays, Papers, and Letters, eds. Charles Lemert and Esme Bhan. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998.

          . "The Status of Women in America." In A Voice of the South, By a Black Woman of the South. Xenia, Ohio: Aldine Printing House, 1892.Reprint, New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Reprinted in The Voice of Anna Julia Cooper: Including A Voice From the South and Other Important Essays, Papers, and Letters, eds. Charles Lemert and Esme Bhan. (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998). Reprinted in Words of Fire: An Anthology of African-American Feminist Thought, ed. Beverly Guy-Sheftall (New York: New Press, 1995).

          . "The Woman Versus the Indian." In A Voice of the South, By a Black Woman of the South. Xenia:, Ohio: Aldine Printing House, 1892. Reprint, New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Reprinted in The Voice of Anna Julia Cooper: Including A Voice From the South and Other Important Essays, Papers, and Letters, eds. Charles Lemert and Esme Bhan. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998.

          . "Womanhood A Vital Element in the Regeneration and Progress of a Race." In A Voice of the South, By a Black Woman of the South. Xenia, Ohio: Aldine Printing House, 1892.Reprint, New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.

Crawford, Vicki. "On the Clarence Thomas Hearings." In Court of Appeal: The Black Community Speaks out on the Racial Politics of Clarence Thomas vs. Anita Hill, eds., Robert Chrisman and Robert L. Allen. New York: Ballantine Books, 1992.

Crenshaw, Kimberle W. "Colorblind Dreams and Racial Nightmares." In Birth of a Nation'hood: Gaze, Script, and Spectacle in the O.J. Simpson Case, eds. Toni Morrison and Claudia Brodsky Lacour. New York: Pantheon Books, 1997.

          , et al. "Sexuality After Thomas/Hill." Tikkun 7, no. 1 (1992): 25-30, 96.

Davenport, Doris. "The Pathology of Racism: A Conversation with Third World Wimmin." In This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color, eds. Cherrie Moraga and Gloria Anzaldua. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.

Davis, Adrienne, and Stephanie M. Wildman. "The Legacy of Doubt: The Treatment of Sex and Race in the Hill Thomas Hearing." In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. New York: New York University Press, 1997.

Davis, Angela Y. "Prison Abolition." In Black Genius: African American Solutions to African American Problems, ed. Walter Mosley. New York: W.W. Norton, 1999.

          . "Racism and Contemporary Literature on Rape." Freedomways 16, no. 1 (1976): 25-33.

          . "Rape, Racism and the Capitalist Setting." The Black Scholar 9, no. 7 (1978): 24-30.

          . Violence Against Women and the Ongoing Challenge to Racism. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table Press, 1985.

          . Women, Culture & Politics. New York: Random House, 1984.

          . Women, Race & Class. New York: Random House, 1981.

          . "Women , Race, and Class: An Activist Perspective." Women's Studies Quarterly 10, no. 4 (1982): 5-9.

Davis, Beverly. "To Seize the Moment: A Retrospective on the Black Feminist Organization." Sage: A Scholarly Journal on Black Women 5, no. 2 (1988):43-48.

Davis, Marcia. "From the Ground Up: A Grassroots Struggle for Women's Equality." Emerge June 1985, 34-37 +.

Dawson, Michael C. "A Vision of Their Own: Identity and Black Feminist Ideology". In Black Visions: The Roots of African-American Political Ideologies Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.

DuCille, Ann. "The Unbearable Darkness of Being: Fresh Thoughts on Race, Sex and the Simpsons. In Birth of a Nation'hood: Gaze, Script, and the Spectacle of the O.J. Simpson Case, eds. Toni Morrison and Claudia Brodsky Lacour. New York: Pantheon, 1997.

Douglass, Frederick. "The Rights of Women." In Traps: African American Men on Gender and Sexuality, eds. Rudolph P. Byrd and Beverly Guy-Sheftall. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001.

Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth. "The Personal is Not Political Enough." Marxist Perspectives 2 (Winter 1979-80): 94-113.

Gaines, Kevin. "From Center to Margin: Internationalism and the Origins of Black Feminism." In Materializing Democracy: Toward a Revitalized Cultural Politics, eds Russ Castronovo and Dana D. Nelson. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002.

Garvey, Amy Jacques. Garvey. "No Sex in Brains and Ability." In Words of Fire: An Anthology of African-American Feminist Thought, ed. Beverly Guy-Sheftall. New York: New Press, 1995. Originally published in The Negro World, (27 December 1924).

          . "The Role of Women in Liberation Struggles." In Words of Fire: An Anthology of African-American Feminist Thought, ed. Beverly Guy-Sheftall. New York: New Press, 1995. Originally published in Massachusetts Review (Winter-Spring 1972): 109-112.

          . "Women as Leaders." In Words of Fire: An Anthology of African-American Feminist Thought, ed. Beverly Guy-Sheftall. New York: New Press, 1995. Originally published in The Negro World 25 October 1925.

Gay, Claudine and Katherine Tate. "Doubly Bound: The Impact of Gender and Race on the Politics of Black Women." Political Psychology 19, no. 1 (1998): 169-184.

Giddings, Paula. "A Conversation with Johnnetta Betsch Cole." Sage: A Scholarly Journal on Black Women 5, no. 2 (1988): 56-59.

Gilliam, Dorothy. "Feminism." Los Angeles Times 18 July 1983, sec B, p. 1, final edition.

Gilmore, Angela D. "It Is Better to Speak." In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. New York: New York University Press, 1997.

Glass, Kathy L. "Tending to the Roots: Anna Julia Cooper's Socipolitical Thought and Activism." Meridains: Feminism, Race, and Transnationalism 6, no. 1 (2005): 23-55.

Gordon, Vivian Verdell. Black Women, Feminism, and Black Liberation: Which Way?. Chicago: Third World Press, 1987.

Goswami, Namita. "The Second Sex: Philosophy, Postcolonialism, African American Feminism, and the Race for Theory." Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities 13, no. 32 (August 2008): 73-91.

Gregory, Carole. "A Likely Possibility: Conversation Between Zora Neale Hurston and Carole Gregory." The Black Collegian 10 (April/May 1980): 5.

          . "Black Activists." Heresies 9: Women /Organized/Divided 3 (1980): 1.

          . "Feminists Are Asking the Questions." Freedomways 19, no. 1 (1979): 21-26.

          . "On Becoming a Feminist Writer." Heresies 15: Racism is the Issue 4 (1982): 3.

Guy-Sheftall, Beverly. ":African American Women: The Legacy of Black Feminism." In Sisterhood is Forever: The Women's Anthology for a New Millennium, New York: Washington Square Press, 2003.

          . "Breaking the Silence: A Black Feminist Response to the Thomas/Hill Hearings (for Audre Lorde)." In Court of Appeal: The Black Community Speaks out on the Racial Politics of Clarence Thomas vs. Anita Hill, eds. Robert Chrisman and Robert L. Allen.New York: Ballantine Books, 1992.

          . "Reconstructing a Black Female Intellectual Tradition: Commentary on Harold Cruse's The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual." Voices of the African Diaspora: The CAAS Research Review 9, no. 1 (Winter 1994): 20-21.

Haden, Patricia, Donna Middleton, and Patricia Robinson. "A Historical and Critical Essay for Black Women." In Words of Fire: An Anthology of African-American Feminist Thought, ed. Beverly Guy-Sheftall. New York: New Press, 1995. Originally published in Voices From Women's Liberation, ed. Leslie Tanner (New York: American Library, 1970).

Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd. Revolt Against Chivalry: Jessie Daniel Ames and the Women's Campaign Against Lynching. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.

Hall, Ruth L. "Voices of Black Feminist Leaders: Making Spaces for Ourselves." In Women and Leadership: Transforming Visions and Diverse Voices, eds. Jean Lau Chin, et al. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.

Hamer, Jennifer, and Helen Neville. "Revolutionary Black Feminism: Toward a Theory of Unity and : Liberation." The Black Scholar 28, no. 3-4 (1998): 22-29.

Hammonds, Evelynn M. "Clarence Thomas, Affirmative Action, and the Academy." In Beyond a Dream Deferred: Multicultural Education and the Politics of Excellence, ed. Becky Thompson and Sangeeta Tyagi. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993.

          . "Invisible Sisters." The Women's Forum 31 May 1980, 10+.

          . "Toward a Black Feminist Aesthetic." Sojourner January 1982, 5.

          . "Who Speaks for Black Women?" Sojourner October 1991, 7-8

Harnois, Catherine. "Different Paths to Different Feminisms: Bridging Multiracial Feminist Theory and Quantitative Sociological Gender Research." Gender & Society 19, no. 6 (December 2005): 809-828.

Harper, Frances E.W. "Woman's Political Future." In Words of Fire: An Anthology of African-American Feminist Thought, ed. Beverly Guy-Sheftall. New York: New Press, 1995. Originally published in Worlds Congress of Representative Women, ed. May Wright Sewall. (Chicago: Rand McNally and Co., 1894).

Harris, Bonnie Claudia. "Diasporadas: Black Women and the Fine Art of Activism." Meridians 2, no. 2 (2002): 163-184.

Harris, Duchess. Black Feminist Politics From Kennedy to Clinton. New York: Palgrave Macmillian, 2009.

Harris, Luke Charles. "The Challenge and Possibility for Black Males to Embrace Feminism." In Black Men on Race, Gender, and Sexuality: A Critical Reader, ed. Devon W. Carbado. New York: New York University Press, 1999.

Harris-Lacewell, Melissa. "No Place to Rest: African American Political Attitudes and the Myth of Black Women's Strength." Women and Politics 23, no. 3 (2001): 1-33.

Hartmann, Susan M. "Closing Gaps in Civil Rights and Women Rights: Black Women and Feminism." In The Other Feminists: Activists in the Liberal Establishment, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998.

          . "Pauli Murray and the 'Juncture of Women's Liberation and Black Liberation'." Journal of Women's History 14, no. 2 (2002): 74-77.

Harvin, Cassandra Byers. "Conversations I Can't Have." On the Issues: The Progressive Woman's Quarterly 5, no. 2 (1996): 15+.

Hawks, JoAnne V. "A Challenge to Racism and Sexism: Black Women in Southern Legislatures, 1965-1986." Sage: A Scholarly Journal on Black Women 5, no. 2 (1988): 20-23.

Hemmons, Willa Mae. Black Women in the New World Order: Social Justice and the African American Female. New York: Praeger, 1996.

Henry, Astrid. "To Be , or Not to Be Real: Black Feminists and the Emerging Third Wave." In Not My Mother's Sister: Generational Conflict and Third-Wave Feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2004.

hooks, bell. Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism. Boston: South End Press, 1981.

          . Black Women: Shaping Feminist Theory. In Feminist Theory: A Philosophical Anthology, eds Ann E. Cudd, and Robin O. Andreasen. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2005. Originally published in Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, bell hooks, (Boston: South End Press, 1984). Reprinted in the Black Feminist Reader, ed. Joy James, and T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting, (Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2000). Reprinted in Feminism and 'Race', ed. Kum Kum Bhavnani, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Reprinted in African Philosophy: An Anthology, ed. emmanuel Chukwudi Eze (Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1998. Reprinted in A History of Our Time: Readings on Postwar America, eds. William H. Chafe and Harvard Sitkoff, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995). Reprinted in Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought, ed. Beverly Guy-Sheftall, (New York: New Press, 1995). Reprinted in Philosophy of Woman: An Anthology of Classic to Current Content, ed. Mary Briody Mahowald, (Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 1984).

          . "Dissident Heat: Fire With Fire." Zeta Magazine March 1994.

          . "Feminism: A Transformational Politic." In Theoretical Perspectives on Sexual Differences, ed. Deborah L. Rhodes. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1990.

          . "Feminism and Racism: The Struggle Continues." Zeta Magazine July-August 1990, 41-43.

          . "Feminism in Black and White." In Black Women and White Women Write About Race, eds. Marita Golden and Susan Richards Shreve.New York: Nan A. Talese, 1995.

          . "Feminism Inside: Toward a Black Body Politic." In Black Male: Representations of Masculinity in Contemporary Art, ed. Thelma Golden. New York: Whitney Museum of Art, 1994.

          . Feminism: It'a a Black Thang! Bell Hook. Essence 23, no. 2 (July 1992): 124.

          . Feminist Theory From Margin to Center. Boston: South End Press, 1984.

          . "Feminist Transformation." Transition no. 66 (Summer 1995): 93-104.

          . "Future Feminist Movements." Off Our Backs 20 (1990): 9.

          . "Sisterhood: Political Solidarity Between Women." In Feminist Knowledge, ed. Sneja Gunew. NY: Routledge, 1990.

          . Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black. Boston: South End Press, 1989.

Howell, Marcela. "An Ignorant Phone Caller Hits a Nerve; Racism: An African American Activist Finds That Feminism Has Far to go to be More than Just a White Womans's Movement." Los Angeles Times, 22 December 1995, p.9.

Hudson-Weems, Clenora. "Africana Womanism: An Overview." In Out of the Revolution: The Development of Africana Studies, eds. Delores P. Aldridge and Carlene Young. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2000.

          . "Africana Womanis: The Flip Side of a Coin." The Western Journal of Black Studies 25.3 (Fall 2001): 137-145.

Hull, Gloria T. "Girls Will Be Girls, and Boys Will...Flex Their Muscles." In Court of Appeal: The Black Community Speaks out on the Racial Politics of Clarence Thomas vs. Anita Hill, eds. Robert Chrisman and Robert L. Allen. New York: Ballantine Books, 1992.

Isoke, Zenzele. Urban Black Women and the Politics of Resistance. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Jackson, Shirley A. "'Something about the Word': African American Women and Feminism." In No Middle Ground: Women and Radical Protest, ed. Kathleen M. Blee. New York: New York University Press, 1998.

James, Joy, ed. The Angela Davis Reader. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 1998.

          . "Antiracist (Pro)Feminisms and Coalition Politics: 'No Justice, No Peace'". In Men Doing Feminism, ed, Tom Digby. New York: Routledge, 1998.

          . "Experience, Reflection, Judgment and Action: Teaching Theory, Talking Community." In Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed, eds. Diane Bell and Renate Klein. North Melbourne, Australia: Spinifex Press, 1996.

          . "The Profeminist Politics of W.E.B. Du Bois with Respects to Anna Julia Cooper and Ida B. Wells Barnett." In W.E.B. Du Bois on Race and Culture: Philosophy, Politcis and Poetics, eds. Bernard W. Bell, emily Grosholz, and James B. Stewart. New York: Routledge, 1996; Revised and reprinted as "Profeminism and Gender Elites: W.E.B. Du Bois, Anna Julia Cooper, and Ida B. Wells-Barnett." In Transcending the Talented Tenth: Black Leaders and American Intellectuals. New York: Routledge, 1997.

          . "Radicalizing Feminism." Race and Class 40, no.4 (1999): 15-31. Reprinted in The Black Feminist Reader, eds. Joy James and Tracey Denean Sharpley-Whiting (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2000).

          . "Radicalizing Feminisms From 'The Movement' Era." In Cultural Studies: From Theory to Action. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2005.

          . Resisting State Violence: Radicalism, Gender and Race in U.S. Culture. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.

          . "Resting in Gardens, Battling in Deserts: Black Women's Activism." The Black Scholar 29, no. 4 (Winter 1999): 2-7.

          . "Searching for a Tradition: African-American Women Writers, Activists, and Interracial Rape Cases." In Black Women in America, ed. Kim Marie Vaz. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1995.

          . Seeking Beloved Community: A Feminist Race Reader. Albany: SUNY Press, 2013.

          . Showdowboxing: Representations of Black Feminist Politics. New York: St. Martins Press, 1999.

          . Transcending the Taleneted Tenth: Black Leaders and American Intellectuals. New York: Routledge, 1997.

          . "Truth Telling." In Skin Deep: Women Writing on Color, Culture and Identity, ed. Elena Featherston.Freedom, CA: the Crossing Press, 1994.

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