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A Multidisciplinary Bibliography
Social Sciences
Legal Theory
The Juggler (Conflagration) by Karin Turner In the Cambers case in particualr, the courts should have been more concerned about chastising employers like the club for restricting the emplyment opportunities of young umarried black mothers than with enforcing the club's message that single pregnancies and parenthood are not approriate modes of conduct for young black women.The courts ignored the disparity between the club's hopes for its members and the structural impediments to their achievement. Furthermore, the courts compounded the obstacles for the plantiff and others by failing to relate the club's position to those impediments, and by passing up an opportunity to condemn systematic racial, sexual, and economic injustice on behalf of young unmarried black mothers.
Regina Austin

Alexander-Floyd, Nikol G. "Critical Race Feminism: A 'Jurisprudence of Resistance' and the Transformation of the Academy." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 35, no. 4 (Summer 2010): 810-820.

Amorah, Jewel D. "Back on the Auction Block: A Discussion of Black Women and Pornography." National Black Law Journal 14, no. 2 (1997): 204-221.

Appell, Annette and Adrienne Davis. "Access to Justice: Mass Incaceration and Masculinity Through a Black Feminist Lens: Introduction." Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 37 (2011): 1-11.

Austin, Regina.Black Women, Sisterhood, and the Difference/Deviane Divide. In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. New York: New York University Press, 1997.

          . "Sapphire Bound!" Wisconsin Law Review no. 3 (May-June 1989): 539+. Reprinted in Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. (New York: New York University Press, 1997).

Bridgewater, Pamela D. "Recent Development: Ain't I a Slave: Slavery, Reproductive Abuse, and Reparations." UCLA Women's Law Journal 14 (Fall/Winter 2005): 89+.

Burrell, Darci Elaine. "The Norplant Solution: Norplant and the Control of African-American Motherhood." UCLA women's Law Journal 5 (1995): 401-444; Reprinted in Reproduction, Sexuality, and the Family, ed. Karen J. Maschke, (New York: Garland Publishing, 1997).

Byllye, Avery. "Empowerment Through Wellness." Yale Journal of Law and Feminism. 4, no. 1 (1991).

Caldwell, Paulette M. "A Hair Piece: Perspectives on the Interaction of Race and Gender." Duke Law Journal 365, no. 2 (1991). Reprinted in Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. (New York: New York University Press, 1997).

Carbado, Devon W. and Mitu Gulati. "The Fifth Black Woman." In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. Second Edition. New York: New York Univeristy Press, 2003.

Carastathis, Anna. "Basements and Intersections." Hypathia 28, no. 4 (November 2013): 698-715.

Chang, Robert s. and Adrienne D. Davis. "The Adventure(s) of Blackness in Western Culture: An Epistolary Exchange on Old and New Identity Wars." U.C. Davis Law Review 39 (2005-2006): 1189-1210.

Crenshaw, Kimberlee. "Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory, and Antiracist Politics." In Feminist Legal Theory: Foundations, ed. D. Kelley Weisberg. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993. Reprinted in The Black Feminist Reader, eds. Joy James and Tracey Denean Sharpley-Whiting. (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2000). Reprinted in Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Wing. (New York: New York University Press, 2003).

          . "Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color." Stanford Law Review 43 (1991): 1241, 1258.

          . "The Mythical, Magical 'Underclass': Constructin Poverty in Race and Gender, Making the Public Private and the Private Public". Journal of Gender Race and Justice 5 (Fall 2001): 87+

          . "Traffic at the Crossroads: Multiple Oppressions." In Sisterhood is Forever: The Women's Anthology for a New Millennium, ed Robin Morgan. New York: Washington Square Press, 2003.

Gilmore, Angela D. "It Is Better to Speak". In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. 2nd Edition. New York: New York Univeristy Press, 2003.

Goodwin, Michele. "Gender, Race, and Mental Illness: The Case of Wanda Jean Allen. In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader. 2nd edition. ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. New York: New York University Press, 2003.

Grider, Katrina. "Hair Salons and Racial Stereotypes: The Impermissable Use of Racially Discrimatory Pricing Schemes." Harvard Women's Law Journal 12 (1989): 75-113.

Grayson, Deborah R. "Mediating Intimacy: Black Surrogate Mothers and the Law." Critical Inquiry 24, no. 2 (1998). Reprinted in Biotechnology and Culture: Bodies, Anxieties, Ethics, ed. Paul E. Brodwin, (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2000).

Harris, Angela P. "Gender, Violence, Race, and Criminal Justice". In Feminist Legal Theory: An Anti-Essentialist Reader, eds. Nancy E. Dowd and Michelle S. Dowd. New York: New York University Press, 2003.

          ."Heteropatriarchy Kills: Challenging Gender Violence in a Prison Nation." Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 37 (2011): 13-53.

          ."Race and Essentialism in Feminist Legal Theory." Stanford Law Review 42 (1990): 581-616. Reprinted in Feminist Legal Theory: Foundations, ed. D. Kelley Weisberg (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993). Reprinted in Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. (New York: New York University Press, 1997).

Harris, Cheryl I. "Finding Sojourner's Truth: Race, Gender and the Insitution of Property." Cardoza Law Review 18 (November 1996): 309+.

          . "The Foulston & Siefkin Lecture: Myths of Race and Gender in the Trials of O.J. Simpson and Susan Smith - Spectacles of Our Times." Washburn Law Journal 35 (Spring 1996): 225+.

Hill, Anita. "The Nature of the Beast: Sexual Harassment." In Sisterhood is Forever: The Women's Anthology for a New Millennium, ed. Robin Morgan. New York: Washington Square Press, 2003.

          . "A Tribute to Thurogood Marshall: A Man who Broke with Tradition on Issues of Race and Gender>". In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. Second Edition. New York: New York Univeristy Press, 2003.

Roberts, Dorothy. " Crime, Race and Reproduction." Tulane Law Review 67 (June 1993): 1945+.

hooks, bell. "Theory as Liberatory Practice." Yale Journal of Law and Feminism 4, no. 1 (1991): 1-12.

Jordan, Emma Coleman. "Race, Gender, and Social Class in the Thomas Sexual Harassment Hearings: The Hidden Fault Lines in Political Discourse. In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. 2nd Edition. New York: New York Univeristy Press, 2003.

Lester, Toni. "Race, Sexuality, and the Question of Multiple, Marginalized Identities in U.S. and European Discrimination Law." In Gender Nonconformity, Race and Sexuality: Charting the Connections, ed. Toni Lester. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2002.

Mack, Kenneth W. "A Social history of Everyday Practice: Sadie T.M. Alexander and the Incorporation of Black Women Into the American Legal Profession, 1925-1960." In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. Second Edition. New York: New York Univeristy Press, 2003.

Post, Deborah Waire. "The Politics of Pedagogy: Confessions of a Black Woman Law Professor". In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. 2nd Edition. New York: New York Univeristy Press, 2003.

Roberts, Dorothy. " Crime, Race and Reproduction." Tulane Law Review 67 (June 1993): 1945+.

          . Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty. New York: Pantheon, 1997.

          . "Punishing Drug Addicts Who Have Babies: Women of Color, Equality, and the Right to Privacy." In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. New York: New York University Press, 1997. Originally published in Harvard Law Review 104 (May 1991): 1419+.          .

"Symposium: II. The Consitutution of Civil Society and the Family: Gender, Race, and Inequality the Moral Exclusionary of the New Civil Society. Chicago-Kent Law Review 75 (2000): 555+.

Rutherford, Charlotte Esq. "Reproductive Freedoms and African American women." Yale Journal of Law and Feminism, 4 (1992): 255-290; Reprinted in Reproduction, Sexuality and the Family, ed. Karen J. Maschke. (New York; Garland Publishing, 1997).

Scales, Trent Judy. "Black Women and the Cosntitution: Finding Our Place, Asserting, Asserting Our Rights." In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. New York: New York University Press, 1997.

Spearit. "Gender Violence in Prison & Hyper-masculinities in the 'Hood: Cycles of Destructive Masculinity." Washington University of Law and Policy 37 (2011): 89-147.

Vandervelde, Lea S. and Sandhya L Subramanian. "Mrs. Dread Scott". In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader. 2nd edition. ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. New York: New York University Press, 2003.

Williams, Patricia J. "Spare Parts, Family Values, Old Children, Cheap." In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. 2nd Edition. New York: New York Univeristy Press, 2003.

          . "Spirit-Murdering the Messenger: The Discourse of Fingerpointing as the Law's Response to Racism." In Critical Race Feminism: A Reader, ed. Adrien Katherine Wing. New York: New York University Press, 1997.

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Updated: 2/19/15
All images, artwork, and design are copyrighted © and may not be used or reproduced without the express written consent from the following: Background image extrapolated from "True Self" © Karin Turner. "The Juggler (Conflagration)" © Karin Turner. Site design © Gwen Harlow. License to use images may be available through private treaty with the artist.
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